InFo PaRtY:
sOMeWhErE iN pL
UnItEd saUnD bIg rAvE iN POlAnD
MoRe iNfO lAtEr
Céčko opět nezklamalo,DÍK!!! Marley? No comment:-)
do ovy dorazi jak zvuk strahova, tak zvuk INF tak i kus náš tak i FSS :)
custe berete do ov izvuk nebo jen djs
Tak facha
Enom esi to facha
zdar, hele dik za nabidku, meli sme tam dorazit s pentou,a le to datum se nam nakonec nehodilo..a mame holt plno..takze sme to tak nejak vypustili...
Čus, tak jak to vydite s tim hranim ve Vlasimi?
Jak sem kvuli tomu psal tak pred ctvrt rokem?
Koukam ze na to asi kladete co??..hehe
uz to resim v mejlu....
holger / fuckflip:
we will continue in mail...
Belonging to the party in april from 10. – 13.....
i have looked for some locations in the south of czech.
maybe it is possible to make party at one of them:
Near suchdol nad luznicí and nová ves nad luznicí are some “pískovna” with “vídet”
I have been there and it’s a really nice place!
Or betwen rohy and borová near cheský krumlov there is also a “pískovna”
Also near cheský krumlov is trísov with the ruins of dívcí kámen with a campsite nearby.
Or last year you planed a party near pelhrímov?
An between dolní dvoríste and horní dvoríste are a lot of fine fields.
The fields south of tichá und belá belong to novohradske hory i guess?
And maybe 2 or 3 other austrian soundsystems want to join this party - if we get it together. ;-) – so it should be plenty of space available...
I hope you thing thats a good plan?! ;-)
Let me know!
Also in case you are not interesstet in something like that.
I wish a nice march and lots of good parties! ?
tech.nick: zdarek....napisu ti mejla...tady to nebudem resit :)
salut štěpáni ta akce inf merkur plati.
vyborne :-) doufam, ze se treba ukazete i v dubnu na hadince ;-)